The Last of Us DLC Announcement In August

DLC Hinted at in AMA

The Last of Us DLC Announcement In August - DLC Hinted at in AMA

On Aug. 1, Naughty Dog creative director Neil Druckmann and game director Bruce Straley did an AMA on Reddit to answer fan questions about "The Last of Us."

As one would expect from one of the best selling games of the year, the most popular questions were: "What comes next?"

Neil Druckmann was quick to answer that question with a very definite: "We're working on it." The follow-up question asked if we'd be seeing the same characters, and the answer again was a definite: "Yes." That doesn't mean that the DLC is going to feature Joel and Ellie - there are tons of characters that made "The Last of Us" into the crafted masterpiece that everyone came to love. It would be interesting to play a game where we got to explore Bill's past or maybe even if we got to play Marlene and parallel Joel and Ellie's journey to the endgame from her perspective. At least two DLC packs have been confirmed along with a multiplayer add-on.

The questions about whether or not we'd see more Joel and Ellie kept popping up, and were finally dealt with, again, by Neil Druckmann.

While this does not definitely answer the question of whether or not Joel and Ellie's story is over, it does seem to hint that they are indeed thinking about a next game in "The Last of Us" universe. That is further confirmed when you learn that the domain names lastofus2 and lastofus3 have already been purchased by Sony. It definitely seems that there is a cordycep storm being brewed up at Naughty Dog.

After all those hints, all that we had left to ask was "When? When is this happening?" That too was tackled.

It is suspected that Naughty Dog will make an official announcement regarding the future of "The Last of Us" during Pax Prime at the end of August.

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