Nintendo Lineup for Rest of Year Revealed
A Mega Yarn Yoshi, Release Dates, and More
Nintendo has revealed a large portion of the rest of the year in their game and amiibo lineup (thanks to NeoGAF for chronicling the press release).
The next major release people can look forward to is "Super Mario Maker," which releases September 11, 2015. It was announced, however, that the Wii U bundle of the game with the 30th Anniversary Mario Modern Color amiibo will be exclusive to Walmart. Whether or not the amiibo itself will be sold separately or not isn't exactly known at this time.
Next is "Yoshi's Wooly World," which releases October 16. The retail is $49.99 (or your region's equivalent) or $59.99 that comes bundled with a green Yarn Yoshi amiibo. The blue and pink versions will be sold separately, along with the green versions, at $16.99.
"Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water" will release on October 22 exclusively on the Wii U Nintendo eShop for $49.99. Interestingly, the game is free-to-start, which includes the prologue, Chapter 1, and most of Chapter 2. The rest of the game can be bought as DLC if you go the free-to-start route. It is also recommended that you use an external hard-drive since this could be a big-sized game.
"Star Fox Zero" releases on November 20, which also has amiibo support. "Xenoblade Chronicles X" launches on December 4 and "Devil's Third" launches on "December 11."
"Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival," their amiibo line, and "Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash" are slated with a Holiday 2015 date.
For the 3DS, "Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash" comes out October 9 with a bundle for the amiibo also available. "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes" launches on October 23. "YO-KAI WATCH" releases in North America on November 6.
In amiibo news that hasn't been announced yet, the 3-pack for Mii Fighters will release on November 1, and it should be noted that the 3-pack is the only way to get them in North America. If you want the individual boxes, you'll have to import. Mewtwo will release on November 13. A Mega Yarn Yoshi has been announced for "Yoshi's Wooly World." Functionality speaking, it works like the regular Yarn Yoshi but it's big. That'll cost $39.99. Lastly, Falco will release on November 20, the same day "Star Fox Zero" releases. As of now, known of these amiibo have any retailer exclusivity. That can change in the future, however.
Source: NeoGAF