Basement Crawl Release and Genre Confuse Players

Bomberman-Style Game for PS4 Release Date Wrong

Basement Crawl Release and Genre Confuse Players - Bomberman-Style Game for PS4 Release Date Wrong

Sony released their next generation console with a bang last November, but as can be expected with any new console release, the choice of high-quality games is limited while developers scramble to get their resources together.

“Basement Crawl” was expected to be released tomorrow as a survival horror game through the PSN Store. A video compilation of gameplay screenshots revealed it’s nothing like what some players expected. Not only is it a “Bomberman”-type of game instead, it isn’t actually supposed to be released tomorrow.

Marc Colhoun confirmed the incorrect listing on the PSN Jan. 17, citing a possible “error on the PSN store,” but he did reveal the price of the game at $10. Keep an eye out of the actual release of “Basement Crawl,” coming soon through the PSN.

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