“Age of Empires II” to Receive New Expansion
"Age of Empires II," initially released in September of 1999 and eventually re-released in HD on Steam in April 2013, is a beloved cult strategy title and it is officially getting a new expansion. This was announced on the Steam Community Hub for "Age of Empires II" by the developer.
I am extremely excited to reveal that we’ll be working with the Forgotten Empires team to formally bring a new expansion to the "Age of Empires" franchise later this year.
We’ll be detailing the expansion throughout the year in developer blogs directly from the team – including one soon revealing the first new civilization. I’ll leave you with a teaser the team sent from one of the new units being worked on [Image To The Right]. As with the "Forgotten" expansion, you can anticipate a lot packed in there, including new civs, campaigns, game modes, units, and more. If your focus is more on the original AOEII experience, the new content development means you can look forward to additional support and features that benefit every owner. Since launch, AOE II HD has come so far – and with the help of the FE team and Skybox, this year is going to be the best yet.
The "Forgotten" expansion came out shortly after "Age of Empires II" re-released on Steam, and counts as the second expansion to the game. The expansion introduced five new playable civilizations and seven new campaigns - including one where the player had to face the terrifying legend that spawned the Dracula mythology. The expansion also added a ton of new technology and units to the game, allowing players to craft new strategies to bring about victory for themselves.
This third expansion has a lot to live up to but it already looks like the developers are already hard at work forging the next piece of this unforgettable RTS. There is no official release date yet, but we suspect that we may see this latest addition to "Age of Empires II" by the end of 2015.
Source: Annoucement